KFA-IG8-AN Dilly Bag and Lettersticks by Allan Namaniyuo (KFA-IG8-AN)

KFA-IG8-AN Dilly Bag and Lettersticks by Allan Namaniyuo (KFA-IG8-AN)

Artist: Allan Namaniyuo
Medium Acrylics on Canvas
Item Size: 34.6cm x 39.9cm

$350.00 inc GST

SOLD The painting is signed on the back.
The story is on the back of the painting.
A certificate with the Artist’s Profile is supplied with your purchase.

Dated April 2023

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KFA-IG8-AN Dilly Bag and Lettersticks by Allan Namaniyuo (KFA-IG8-AN)

SKU KFA-IG8-AN Category


Lettersticks were used to carry messages to all the family groups when overland communication was necessary.
The dilly bag was used to carry the lettersticks. This was a very important job for a man to do.
Allan Namaniyuo has portrayed the dilly bag, lettersticks and all the hunting gear that the messenger used to hunt for his food whilst travelling.


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